1st VieSci Postdoc Network Event!

08.06.2022 16:30

Registration open until 01.06.2022!


Join the 1st VieSci Postdoc Network Event on the 8th of June 2022!

The official part will start at 16:30 in Lecture Hall 2, followed by a casual get-together with snacks & drinks in the Mensa (or outside if the weather is good).

Registration deadline: 01.06. (or 30.05 if you would like to request free childcare).

Register now: https://lifesciences.univie.ac.at/news-events/viesci-postdoc-network-event/

Please spread the word! An official invitation + preliminary program is available for download below.

UBB (Djerassiplatz 1), Lecture Hall 2 & Mensa